Winter 2016 SSMU Referendum Endorsements

Motion Regarding Constitutional Amendments  Part 1: "Yes" The revised constitution proposed by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) includes general syntactical and grammatical changes, as well as clarifications and some vocabulary adjustments. This revision is a useful step towards making the constitution more accessible to students. The Tribune therefore endorses “Yes”[Read More…]

Live updates from the Winter 2016 SSMU GA

Can't be at the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter 2016 General Assembly (GA)? We've got you covered with live updates. There are a variety of motions being discussed. Additionally, the GA will also see a discussion regarding whether McGill should be a smoke-free campus. The Tribune Editorial Board has also made[Read More…]

Investigating journalism

It’s no secret that the landscape of the journalism industry is profoundly different than it was at the start of the 21st century. The prevalence of the internet has fundamentally altered the way in which people consume print journalism; consequently, it has eroded both circulation and advertising, the primary revenue[Read More…]

PQ overstepping its bounds with ban on religious symbols

Last Wednesday, Sept. 4, the Parti Québécois (PQ) marked its one-year anniversary of minority governance. Over the past year the government has had various troubles, including, most prominently for this editorial board, the party’s complete duplicity on university tuition, first freezing tuition increases and then enacting harsh budget cuts. However, it seems as if the PQ has found itself a distraction from the year’s political missteps.

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