How do you measure a year? Maybe you do it in days, or maybe, like every other student at McGill, in the number of all-nighters left before the first day of summer vacation begins. The Tribune does it in words; 832,000 of them. Each week, the 20 editors of the[Read More…]
Search Results for "McGill Tribune Editorial Board"
Accountability must come first in Access to Information debate
A fundamental pillar for the success of a publicly funded institution is the public’s right to know and understand where its money goes, and what is being done with it. McGill’s recent motion to the Commission d’accès à l’information seeking the authority to ignore Access To Information (ATI) requests threatens[Read More…]
Students do not want fewer courses
Over the next month, high school, CEGEP, and international students alike will submit their university applications to McGill. As these applications are finalized, however, the McGill to which they are applying will look less and less like the one that we have come to know. Last week, Dean of Arts[Read More…]
Letter from the Editor
Every week, the Tribune’s editorial board meets to express ourselves beyond each section’s typical jurisdiction. Because the membership of our editorial board changes from year to year, these discussions are a dynamic process, by which we define ourselves as a wide, disparate group united by the same curiosity. At the[Read More…]
Protocol on Demonstrations has no place on our campus
Last Friday, McGill released the first draft of its Protocol on Demonstrations, Protests, and Occupations. Following a period of consultation with the McGill community, it will be presented to Senate for approval on Jan. 23. With the exception of a few minor changes, the draft protocol is identical to the[Read More…]
Individual access must be upheld in the right to education
Earlier this month, Parti Québécois (PQ) Education Minister Pierre Duchesne announced a plan to grant student associations the legal right to strike. While it was quickly rebuffed by some in the Quebec political scene, particularly those who saw the move as yet another attempt at political posturing on the part[Read More…]
Safe Spaces on campus do not repress free speech
Last week, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) issued a report on the state of campus free speech in 2012, in which the Calgary-based libertarian think-tank examined the degree and limits to free speech at Canadian universities. The overwhelming majority of schools in the report received failing grades. McGill’s[Read More…]
Who is responsible for making the GA more relevant to students?
On Oct. 23, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) released the results of the online ratification for its fall General Assembly (GA). The online vote ratified two motions—one to rename SSMU’s Breakout Room, the other to build a rock climbing wall in the SSMU building. Compared to the disappointing[Read More…]
All the curiosity that’s fit to deliver
The McGill Tribune has covered McGill and Montreal since 1981, initially as the official newspaper of the Student Society of McGill University (SSMU). Since its independence from SSMU in 2010, the Tribune has been operated autonomously by the Tribune Publication Society (TPS). All McGill students are automatically members of the[Read More…]
Yes for funding, no for offline opt-outs
This week, students will have the opportunity to vote for the continuation of student funding of the McGill chapter of the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) and CKUT, the campus radio station. The referendum questions have each demanded a change to the current opt-out system so that students will[Read More…]