LGBTQ rights are Canadian values

McGill Tribune   On Sept. 24 the National Post ran an ad by the Institute for Canadian Values which opposed the inclusion of transsexual, transgender, intersexed, and Two-spirited issues   in the Ontario school curriculum taught to children between junior kindergarten and Grade 3.  The ad consisted of a photo[Read More…]

An accidental editor

I was really lame when I was a first year. In fact, I’m still a square compared to the Froshies who were outside my building late last night. I had a difficult time finding extracurriculars when I arrived three years ago. Bar hopping in first year on St.  Laurent was[Read More…]

Diversify the strategy against higher tuition

McGill Tribune The Quebec government’s recently tabled proposal to gradually increase in-province university tuition from $2,168 to $3,793—which would still make it 30 per cent lower than the present Canadian average—has predictably raised the ire of activists who favour free education for all, and engendered promises of walk-outs, demonstrations, and[Read More…]

Cathal Rooney-Céspedes

After much deliberation, the Tribune endorses Cathal Rooney-Céspedes for the position of Students’ Society president. Although we were divided on the decision, the majority of the editorial board ultimately believes he will be most effective in implementing needed changes within SSMU. He is a candidate that understands the limitations of[Read More…]

The Trib’s General Assembly Endorsements

McGill Tribune Resolution Regarding AUS Fundraiser—YES This resolution mandates that SSMU conduct a bake sale to raise funds for the AUS. The latter has had serious financial difficulties, many of which cannot be blamed on the the current executives. While the Tribune realizes that the motion is being put forward[Read More…]

Between the Lines

In this episode of Between the Lines, the Tribune Editorial Board recaps the Architecture Cafe Rally and the ongoing drama that is AUS Frosh’s financial complications. Tune in for exciting news every week from this fantastic TVMcGill – Tribune collaboration.

Between the Lines

In this episode of Between the Lines, the Tribune Editorial Board explores the mystery that is the Athletics Board and the drama that is unfolding surrounding AUS Frosh’s financial complications. Tune in for exciting news every week from this fantastic TVMcGill – Tribune collaboration.

SSMU Candidate Interviews

STEFAN LINK How will your past experience influence your approach to the presidential portfolio? I have always been looking at the basic student services that affect the majority of people. So in the Physics Society, I knew that the math department had a really functional help desk that lots of students use and I didn’t understand why physics didn’t have a similar service, so I just wanted to start something similar for the physics people, and I did.

AMUSE vote leaves some students in the dark

The Association of McGill University Support Employees is now the official union of McGill’s non-academic casual workers, receiving accreditation from the Quebec Labour Board last month. An October mail-in vote of eligible employees resulted in an overwhelming 85 per cent of casual workers voting in favour of the union.

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