The Tribune’s top-10 most read Op-Eds of the 2017-2018 school year

Editor’s note: The McGill Tribune compiled a list of the top-10 most read Opinion articles of the 2017-18 year, reflecting, among other things, a year of controversial Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) action, growing discussion around the pervasiveness of sexual assault on university campuses and beyond, and continued criticism of[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor: Clarifying McGill’s Policy Against Sexual Violence

I write to respond to two pieces that ran in The McGill Tribune on Oct. 17: "Editorial: On sexual violence reform, it's McGill's turn" and Caitlin Kindig's news piece, "Our Turn action plan gives McGill's Sexual Violence Policy a C- grade." Both articles contain misunderstandings or incomplete information about McGill's Policy against Sexual[Read More…]

Editorial: SSMU’s lack of transparency and lagging support leave new ISGs in limbo

On April 7, 2016, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Services Review Committee changed the status of Organic Campus, the Players Theatre and other student services within SSMU’s structure. In a similar restructuring move on May 24, 2016, SSMU revoked the club status of the McGill Outdoors Club (MOC).[Read More…]

Editorial: Report on systemic discrimination in McGill faculty reveals the need for action

Last month, the Ad Hoc Working Group on Systemic Discrimination—commissioned by the Joint Board-Senate Committee on Equity—released a comprehensive report based on a survey of tenure-track and tenured faculty at McGill. The report gave a glimpse of the ongoing forms of discrimination, such as racism and sexism, that permeate the[Read More…]

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