The Tribune’s 2010 winter referendum endorsements

Eight referenda and a plebiscite question appear on the Students’ Society winter electoral ballot. After careful deliberation, the Tribune editorial board has endorsed a position on each of the questions. Our candidate endorsements appear on pages 10 & 11.

With referendum vote, Tribune is poised for independence

In what Opinion Editor Matt Chesser called a “do-or-die” situation, The McGill Tribune’s future will be determined by a SSMU referendum next week. Should the referendum question pass, the Tribune would become fully independent after 29 years as a publication under the auspices of the Students’ Society.

SSMU Election Endorsement: President Sarah Woolf

After careful consideration, the McGill Tribune Editorial Board proudly presents our fifth annual SSMU election candidate endorsements. While this year’s ballot includes two acclamations, we still provide our analysis of each candidate’s potential, along with our thoughts on the referendum questions (page 9).

PGSS Executive Reviews

The McGill Tribune Editorial Board reviewed the 2018-2019 Post-Graduate Student Society (PGSS) executives on their performance in their positions. The Editorial Board gave each executive a score from 1-10 based on how we felt the executives performed. The grades were converted from a percentage into a letter grade based on[Read More…]

Commenting Policy

The McGill Tribune seeks to promote a healthy discourse among McGill students and members of the greater McGill Community. We encourage all readers to comment on our articles and to voice their opinions in a respectful manner with regards to other commenters, contributors and staff of the McGill Tribune, and[Read More…]

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