Inkless, employable personas

Employable, inkless personas

Whether by feigning confidence in an interview or embellishing responsibilities on a resumé, people often present an enhanced version of themselves to prospective employers. Many industries, like law and finance, maintain conservative hiring practices that pressure prospective employees to craft an inauthentic personal presentation by covering tattoos or piercings and[Read More…]

Black History Month highlights racism in Canada

As part of McGill’s Black History Month 2019, the Black Students’ Network of McGill (BSN) and Black Law Students’ Association of McGill (BLSAM) hosted a panel titled “Racism and Systemic Discrimination: The Canadian Context” on Feb. 4 to shed light on the realities of black lives in Canada. Moderated by[Read More…]

Love on the brain

Everyone knows the story: Boy meets girl, boy encounters obstacle; they fight to overcome it, but something goes wrong and someone runs away crying. Ultimately, love prevails, they share a passionate kiss, get married, and live happily ever after. This, Hollywood claims, is love. Valentine’s Day is marketed as a[Read More…]

McGill hosts guest lecturer and author to discuss the complexities of freedom of speech on campus

Over the past few years, a number of high-profile universities in North America have experienced brawls, protests, and fires from students objecting certain guest speakers invited to their campuses. Sigal Ben-Porath, author of Free Speech on Campus and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, spoke to the issues surrounding free speech[Read More…]

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