Follow your nose

Those who can easily navigate new cities and unfamiliar locations might also find they have an unusually-precise ability to accurately identify a plethora of different smells, ranging from basil and cinnamon to strawberry and peppermint. A recent study conducted at the McGill Department of Psychiatry demonstrated the surprising link between[Read More…]

Living in a high-tech sci-tech world

The McGill Office for Science and Society hosted the 2018 Trottier Public Science Symposium on Oct. 29 and 30, where academics discussed information technology and its implications for humanity. Human history is punctuated with moments which completely redefined technology, the latest being the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Beginning during World War[Read More…]

In conversation with Jay Baruchel

“Fans have always had opinions,” Jay Baruchel said. “But, it used to be that the only people that would hear them were other fans or, potentially, the poor bastard that has to host the postgame show on whatever radio station.” In this instance, Baruchel was alluding to social media specifically,[Read More…]

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