Freshmen forgotten no more

As the cold spring air brings Montreal more snow, and students retreat to their beds in the short break between midterms and finals, some students refuse to relax. McGill’s Forgotten Freshmen refuse to be complacent in their own misery. The group started in order to “[raise] awareness of the pitifully[Read More…]

How to avoid someone on campus

We’ve all been there: You’re walking on campus and you take a moment to look up from your phone, only to spot someone 20 steps away who you would much rather avoid seeing. Instead of sucking it up and just engaging in that one-second interaction, we would rather avoid any[Read More…]

Canadian tax policy: Subject to change

To mark the 100th anniversary of Canada’s income tax, the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) held its annual “Who Pays for Canada? Taxes & Fairness” conference on Feb. 22 and 23. A series of panels covered the philosophy of taxes, ways to fairly distribute tax revenue across[Read More…]

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