Seminar discusses sexual slavery in Asia during WWII

Last Friday, March 30, the McGill Golden Key Society and the East Asian Students’ Association hosted “Sexual Slavery and the Asian Holocaust: A Seminar on the Comfort Women Issue in EastAsia.” McGill East Asian studies professors BrianBergstrom and Adrienne Hurley provided historical background and demonstrated the importance of the ongoing issues facing[Read More…]

Nicki Minaj: Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded

Though her 2010 debut Pink Friday was a ham-handed combination of rap lyrics mixed with pop hooks, Nicki Minaj’s latest release, Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, is a more expansive look into her scatterbrained imagination, whose presence somehow feels even more abrasive this time around. Starting with her hectic delivery on “Roman Reloaded,” which zigzags between short-of-breath word[Read More…]

Nicki Minaj: Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded

Though her 2010 debut Pink Friday was a ham-handed combination of rap lyrics mixed with pop hooks, Nicki Minaj’s latest release, Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, is a more expansive look into her scatterbrained imagination, whose presence somehow feels even more abrasive this time around. Starting with her hectic delivery on[Read More…]

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