College Mindset

Every year Beloit College releases a new College Mindset List.  Compiled by a professor and administrator, the 75-item list is a summary of sociocultural entities which the incoming freshman class may take for granted because of their age.  The umbrella of topics is broad; some are banal, some insightful, and[Read More…]

Blaming rape victims is still not okay

Apparently a topic the Tribune editorialized about a few weeks ago—a Manitoba Justice who used a woman’s clothing and behaviour to justify a lenient rape sentence—is part of a trend when it comes to sex crimes. In Cleveland, Texas, a storm has been brewing around an alleged attack on an[Read More…]

Quebec raises tuition, fines McGill for same

McGill Tribune According to a recent survery released by McGill’s MBA Student Association, 70 per cent of MBA students believe the cost of their program is at or below a reasonable level. When even students are standing up for tuition hikes, that’s when the province needs to stand down. It’s[Read More…]

Ex-Mandela cabinet minister Naidoo asks big questions

Alice Walker After a warm introduction, Jay Naidoo, clad in a dress shirt and leather jacket, addressed a collection of about 100 students who gathered in the Bronfman Management Building on Thursday evening. “What do you want to talk about? Well … OK, what does the future hold?” At an[Read More…]

Admin set to withhold AUS funds, putting services at risk

Matt Essert After years of incomplete financial statements from the Arts Undergraduate Society, the McGill administration has informed the group it will not release the student fees collected for them this semester until the required documentation is submitted. Although the university was scheduled to release the cheque by today, as[Read More…]

Scientists use lasers to control worms’ minds

In a recent study, scientists from Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Georgia Institute of Technology discovered that by shining a laser on particular neurons, they were able to control worms, encouraging them to move in varying directions and lay eggs. The published article, which appeared in Nature[Read More…]

Poetic programming

What if you could talk to your computer and it actually did what you asked it to do? McGill’s Michael Wagner and Harvard’s Katherine McCurdy hope that their three-year study, published in Cognition magazine this November, will help you do just that.   Poetry uses rhythm, syllable stressors, and speech[Read More…]

Zooming in on the magic of the everyday

( In his current exhibit at the McCord Museum, Hungarian-born photographer Gabor Szilasi documents “The Eloquence of the Everyday” over 30 years and two continents. Through both black and white and colour images, Szilasi focuses on a variety of features that make up the everyday: urban and rural architecture, private[Read More…]

Administration proposes major changes for Athletics Board

The McGill Athletics Board could be facing major changes in the upcoming weeks. A new Terms of Reference agreement drafted over the summer proposed to turn the Athletics Board into an “advisory board” and could dramatically alter the accountability structure of the athletics budgetary approval process.

STUDENT LIVING: Perspective: Coming home to university

I have a dirty little secret: I’ve never been to a frosh event. I’ve also never attended a McGill sports game, joined a club or even been inside a university rez. No, I’m not a hermit, or even anti-social. I’m a Montrealer. One of those cool but elusive people you meet in one of your classes then never seem to encounter again.

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