Mixing Mediums: Ragnar Kjartansson plays with collaboration at the Musee d’art contemporain

In every live performance—be it theatrical, musical, or artistic—there is a sense of immediacy and visceral presence in the interaction between artist and audience. Video can never quite recreate that experience, but, as with Ragnar Kjartansson’s exhibition at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, it can capture an equally powerful act.[Read More…]

Training for Super Smash Bros

Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. has been a staple of many a childhood since the ’90s and beyond. Created by the legendary Masahiro Sakurai, “Smash” presents itself as a cuddly, kid-friendly fighting game wherein a greatest hits of Nintendo characters duke it out for supremacy by attempting to knock each other[Read More…]

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