BSN x CKUT: Black Talk

On Monday, Feb. 15, Black Students’ Network (BSN) collaborated with CKUT 90.3 FM to produce Black Talk, thirteen hours of afrocentric radio programming. As part of their Black History Month series, the BSN-involved McGill students and Montreal locals alike fostered conversations on the black experience and issues within the black[Read More…]

SNAX Wars Episode VI: Return of the Sandwich

There are a lot of ongoing complaints at McGill: Construction, winter, nights at McLennan, and the SNAX sandwich saga. McGill students might remember November 2014, when the administration prohibited SNAX from selling sandwiches because the service was not technically included in the Memorandum of Agreement SNAX was operating under. At[Read More…]

SUS discusses UÉQ, AVÉQ

The Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) addressed the possibility of Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) joining a provincial student union at its Feb. 3 Council meeting and the depletion of its Special Projects Fund (SPF). Council also heard updates on the renovations in the Environmental Science building. Student federations SSMU[Read More…]

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