Reindeer Racing

10 Things: Reindeer Racing

1. Reindeer racing is a competitive and widely followed sport in some northern parts of Norway, Finland, and Russia. It involves speed-suit-wearing jockeys on cross country skis and a harness being dragged along by full-grown reindeer on a fixed snowy course, reaching speeds of up to 60 km per hour.[Read More…]

Breaking down the SSMU GA motions

Motion Regarding the Procurement of Products Containing Conflict Minerals This motion concerning divestment from sourcing of conflict-free minerals from Congo was moved by Ceci Steyn, U2 Arts. “I moved this motion because while many other divestment movements are well known, most people aren't aware that the minerals in their electronics[Read More…]

Donald Trump, make McGill great again

There is a huge problem at this university: McGill doesn’t win anymore. However, the expiration of Principal Suzanne Fortier’s term in June 2018 provides an important opportunity to reverse McGill’s decline. In 2018, the McGill Board of Governors should appoint Donald J. Trump to the position of principal and vice-chancellor[Read More…]

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