Getting into the app game

Entering the app world is equal parts intimidating and exciting. McGill alumnus Nathaniel Blumer (BSc. Computer Science 2013) has developed several apps since graduating from McGill. He’s worked for private contractors in Canada and the U.S., and has even received offers for his apps from multinational companies. His most recent[Read More…]

Cracking the Canadian cell phone code

The quest for the best cell phone deal is not unlike finding the Holy Grail. Everyone knows a friend of a friend that somehow secured a $40 six-gigabyte plan, but nobody really knows how they got it. Cell phone salespeople offer cryptic promises and deals, but are they just padding[Read More…]

Navigating sexual health resources at McGill

McGill provides many resources that seek to combat the stigma around sex and gynecological health, as well as provide safe and judgment-free service. Below is a list of four resources available to McGill students which aid in matters ranging from sexual health and contraception to counselling and education. Shag Shop[Read More…]

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