Remakes vs. originals

For every cover like Jimi Hendrix’s rendition of Bob Dylan’s “All Along the Watch Tower” that gives a classic song a fresh and worthy interpretation, there are efforts like HIlary Duff’s take on The Who’s “My Generation” that should be banned from the airwaves. Here’s how some of 2013’s prominent[Read More…]

First malaria vaccine en route for 2015

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Malaria causes an estimated 660,000 deaths each year worldwide. Presently, there is no available vaccine for this mosquito-borne disease—only preventative measures, such as bed nets, insecticides, and anti-malarial pills, which have had a limited effect. However, in a considerable step forward, the British[Read More…]

Graduates criticize Leacock restructuring project

Graduate students expressed concerns about the People, Processes, and Partnerships (PPP) plan to restructure the administrative organization of Leacock Building at the Dec. 4 Council meeting of the Post-Graduate Students’ Society of McGill University (PGSS). The project was introduced in Fall 2012, but has seen various revisions over the past[Read More…]

Board of Governors condemns Charter of Values

Members of McGill’s Board of Governors (BoG) voted unanimously to condemn the Parti Québécois’s proposed Charter of Values last Thursday. The bill, which aims to restrict public sector employees from wearing visible religious symbols, was tabled by Quebec’s National Assembly on Nov. 7 with modifications that would no longer allow[Read More…]

Sports holiday wishlist

I want  Lebron James  to three-peat and win another MVP award along the way; all hail the King. I would also love for Lebron’s football team, Liverpool, to finish in the top four of the Barclays Premier League while avoiding any Luis Suarez mishaps. —Zikomo Smith, Contributor This holiday season, I[Read More…]

Revitalizing Indigenous languages

Is learning a new language at a young age really the most beneficial? On a scientific level, perhaps. After all, research studies have shown that doing so can enhance a child’s cognitive development, and that there is a critical period for language acquisition at younger ages. But for Indigenous language[Read More…]

McGill’s underground art show

Prior to last Wednesday, the only type of event I had ever attended at the Arts Lounge—located in the basement of McGill’s Leacock building—were a handful of the weekly Bar des Arts (BDA) gatherings, which always promise a boisterous crowd of tipsy students. The Fridge Door Gallery (FDG) Fall 2013[Read More…]

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