The curious case of Busty and the Bass

The searching notes of a saxophone float over the bar’s quiet murmur,  cutting across open bottles and muted conversations. A drum line slips between the notes, riding the low strums of the bass playing alongside it. Trumpets, trombone, guitar, and the sweet shiver of keys all gradually fold themselves into[Read More…]

This Month in Student Research: Finding the art in developmental biology

Known for its excellence in research, McGill University is home to a host of professors and scientists whose work contributes to scientific innovation. In tribute to the amazing work conducted within McGill’s walls, each month, Science and Technology features a student researcher who has helped further the cutting-edge science conducted[Read More…]

Management plagiarism and admissions policies under discussion

Qualitative assessments for admissions and a new plagiarism policy are currently under discussion between the Management Undergraduate Society (MUS) and the faculty’s administration. Admission’s Policy The MUS is discussing adding more qualitative measures to the current admission requirements for prospective BCom students. Currently the Faculty of Management only considers incoming[Read More…]

The moral hazard of Birks

I was sitting in a conference in the basement of the Birks building, staring through the floor as the TA mumbled something about critical thinking… and I suddenly noticed that one of my classmates was still wearing his boots. As a rule-following person in general, I’ve followed the Birks rule[Read More…]

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