Anna Kourilova

Putting alternative energy plans in context

  The ongoing debate on campus divestment stems in part from advocacy for the large-scale production of renewable sources. However, a full transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources while sustaining current levels of energy consumption is not a viable option to cope with future demand. Many existing renewable[Read More…]

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Spring 2013: The Top Ten

After a flourish of fashion weeks in the greatest cities in the world (New York, Paris, London, Milan,  and of course, Montreal), spring is brimming with new trends that are sure to revamp your wardrobe. Here are the top ten.   Serious Stripes Feeling too timid to try some of[Read More…]

Ask Tribby

Dear Tribby, I’ve been dating this girl for a couple of months, and I’m just not into it any more. I want to break things off, but I’m pretty sure she thinks things are a lot more serious than they really are. We have a few of the same friends,[Read More…]

Proposed Leacock reconfiguration incites controversy

Over the course of last week, top administrators in the Faculty of Arts began to address concerns from students, faculty, and support staff about the Faculty’s “People, Processes & Partnerships” project. This new plan proposes changes to departmental space configurations in the Leacock building. Currently, a project team of 75[Read More…]

Point Counterpoint

Each year March Madness offers countless baskbetball fans a glimpse into the world of college basketball. The popularity of this event speaks volumes for the allure of NCAA basketball, but is it more appealing than its professional NBA counterpart? Two contributors weigh in on the better level of ball.  [Read More…]

The mathematics of sports

Bill James first pioneered it for baseball in the 1980s, Moneyball made it popular, and now it is playing an increasing role within the dealings of NBA teams. Sports analytics, as it is known,  is fuelled by self-described sports-loving stat geeks, and is the go-to metric for professional sports teams[Read More…]

Admission’s standards are disappointingly low. (

Admission: denied

Admission is a film that should probably end up in the “deny” pile. Directed by Peter Weitz (About a Boy) and starring Tina Fey, the film begins in the ivy-embellished halls of Princeton University. Fey plays Portia Nathan, a member of Princeton’s prestigious admissions department, where her job is to[Read More…]

Communication problems underlie the Leacock space debate

For context, please read “Proposed Leacock reconfiguration incites controversy.”   The Mar. 18 Town Hall regarding a proposed reallocation of space in the Leacock building played out in a scene that’s become increasingly familiar—both students and faculty turned up to voice their opposition to a proposal from the administration. The[Read More…]

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