Steps towards a functional General Assembly

Last Monday Oct. 15 marked the SSMU’s fall General Assembly (GA). In spite of recent reforms intended to make the assembly more appealing and accessible to general membership, it was only able to pass two motions before losing quorum. The centerpiece of these reforms,  passed by referendum last semester, mandates[Read More…]

The caffeine question: coffee or tea

Guilty or guilt-free—the jury is still out on the health implications of coffee. A staple in the morning routine of millions of Canadians and Americans, coffee drinkers often advocate its health benefits. On the other side of the fence, sit non-coffee drinkers loudly proclaiming the liquid’s harsh effects and singing[Read More…]

FEATURE: Who is John François?

Every morning, John François begins his day by turning on the radio, his most constant companion. The voices of the commentators, the music, and the advertisements fill the air of his cabin as he prepares for the day ahead. John François is good-humoured and light-hearted.

Students vote in the SSMU General Assembly. (Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune)

SSMU fall General Assembly marked by low turnout

Despite efforts to make the General Assembly (GA) of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) on Oct. 15 more accessible to students, the assembly lost quorum after passing two motions. The revamped GA showcased several new features, including the introduction of online ratification. Although motions still need to be[Read More…]

Immediate action needed on the provisional protocol

Last Wednesday, Dean of Arts Christopher Manfredi released his long-awaited Report of the Open Forum on Free Expression and Peaceful Assembly. Following a series of open forums, the report sought to solicit community input on  the meaning and scope of peaceful assembly on campus. The initiative was commissioned by Principal[Read More…]

The challenges and biases of factual reporting

In Nassim Taleb’s book, The Black Swan, the author confidently assures his readers that, to learn anything, one must “minimize time spent reading newspapers,” and “ignore the blogs.” He argues that these outlets always try to apply narratives to what simply may be disparate facts, usually report the same sets[Read More…]

Satay Brothers serve up taste of tradition

In the summer of 2011, Alex and Mat Winnicki opened up a quaint seasonal food stand called Satay Brothers at the Atwater Market. The brothers were astonished with the extraordinary response to their traditional Singaporean street food. Customers quickly began flocking back to their humble shack due to the exceptional[Read More…]

FEATURE: McGill Then and Now…

86-year-old Betty McCullough watched the televised celebrations of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee this summer and thought back to one of her fondest memories as a student at McGill’s graduate school for nursing. At 25 years old, she’d clutched her camera as she waited amongst a crowd of students, staff,[Read More…]

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