Matthias Schoenaerts stuns with a forceful, courageous, breakout performance. (

Beast of burden

If a script can be personified, Bullhead needs but one word: cruel. Not because it mistreats its audience—on the contrary, the film is as beautiful as it is miserable; dazzling as it is horrific. The sheer amount of sadness that writer-director Michael R. Roskam packs into two hours is so[Read More…]

NFL Season Preview

AFC NORTH Pittsburgh Steelers— After getting a dose of Tebow-mania, the Steelers exited the 2011 playoffs earlier than expected. However, much of the roster that helped the team finish 12-4 last season is set to return, and expectations in Steeltown are high once more. New offensive coordinator Todd Haley promises[Read More…]

McGill Tribune / Sam Reynolds, Ryan Reisert

McGill Sports Previews

Redmen Football The Redmen football team has recently become a confounding disappointment for McGill Athletics and their fans. As a heavily bankrolled team, results akin to McGill’s hockey successes should rightfully be strived for and expected. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. Both of the last two seasons have[Read More…]

Around The Water Cooler

In case you were too busy looking after kids, getting coffee for your very prestigious boss, or … tanning, here’s what you missed this past summer in the world of sports: EURO 2012 — The tournament started off amid accusations of racism by European Football Championship hosts, Poland and Ukraine,[Read More…]

Frosh: a senior (citizen’s) persective

Every year, McGill’s campus goes quiet as students flock home for the summer. The laws of physics that govern summertime seem to slow down time and campus becomes calm, almost quaint. It persists in this way for almost three months, unperturbed by the bustle of Downtown Montreal. But then—a strangely[Read More…]

A guide to cell phone plans in Montreal

Purchasing a cell phone plan in Montreal can be a complicated undertaking. Browsing through the many contracts offered by over half a dozen companies (some of which are actually the same company) is enough to make any student swear off phones and opt for email and Skype. Before resorting to[Read More…]

SSMU Report Cards

Maggie Knight (President): A Maggie Knight was dealt a very difficult hand this year as SSMU president. While this may have distracted her from some of her goals, the Tribune has no hesitation in saying she has done an exceptional job as president. The Strategic Summits, while allowing a safe space for discussion, were sparsely[Read More…]

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