Dean Manfredi hosts final meeting of Open Forum

On Wednesday, April 4, the McGill administration hosted the last of four public meetings of dean of arts ChristopherManfredi’s Open Forum on Freedom of Expression and Peaceful Assembly. The meeting focused on the administration’s actions in response to the events of Nov. 10. It was held in the BelliniAtrium of the Life[Read More…]

Blitzkrieg and Jitterbugs: McGill during wartime

McGill-Queen’s University Press Elizabeth Hillman Waterston enrolled at McGill in September 1939-the same month that Hitler’s Panzer divisions first rolled into Poland and World War II began. When one thinks about how fraught with tension the McGill campus has been this year, with students locking horns over issues like the[Read More…]

The hypocrisy of “artist supporters”

I’ll admit it: I used to download music illegally. Let’s face it, nearly everyone who owns a computer with Internet access has, at one point in their life, downloaded a song, album, or even an entire musical collection through suspicious avenues. It’s become so popular that entire music stores have[Read More…]

QPIRG should admit to its mistakes

 As an organization that funds many worthwhile causes, I find no fault with the goals and actions of QPIRG as a whole. Where I take exception, rather, is with the duplicity and incoherence with which QPIRG has made, and continues to make, its case regarding opt-outable fees.  In particular, its[Read More…]

Twenty years on, Dandy Warhols stay strong After performing for nearly 20 years, it’s understandable when artists get a little too used to the sound checks, interviews, and general wear and tear of life on the road. Yet, talking to Dandy Warhols’ lead singer Courtney Taylor-Taylor offers a refreshing surprise. While years of doing interviews might[Read More…]

An educational outing with a sweet twist

The island of Montreal is encircled by sugar shacks. Every spring, workers tap into the melting, sugary ichor of the maple tree, and together produce 77 per cent of the world’s maple syrup. This year, a mild winter and an early burst of heat may have put a damper on[Read More…]

ADHD can add another level of stress during exams

The fast-approaching exam season tends to be the time of year when stress and fatigue peak for students. With heaps of information to memorize, review, and understand, many students face challenges and performing below their full potential. Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may find this period even more[Read More…]

Why invasive species matter In a study published last month, a team of South African scientists found that invasive species are thriving in Antarctica. The finding is  yet another that points to the growing impact of invasive species. Last week, the Tribune sat down with Anthony Ricciardi, associate professor of invasive species biology[Read More…]

Research finds key mutation in recessive ataxia

The discovery of a mutation which causes neurodegenerative disorders in fruit flies and a set of conditions known as recessive ataxia in humans was recently published by researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute, in collaboration with the Baylor College of Medicine. The normal form of the gene encodes a vital[Read More…]

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