Around the Water Cooler

In case you were too busy wondering why The Artist had no words,  here’s what you missed this past week in the world of sports … HOCKEY — As the trade deadline looms, the hockey world is abuzz with rumours about who will go where. Two players were at the[Read More…]

UQAM protest marks start of unlimited student strike

On Feb. 14, approximately 300 student demonstrators marched through McGill’s downtown campus following UQAM’s vote for an unlimited strike. UQAM is one of many universities and CEGEPs in Quebec that have voted to go on an unlimited strike to protest the Quebec government’s plans to increase university tuition fees for[Read More…]

Raging Grannies protest Quebec asbestos industry

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune On Feb. 15, a group of Montreal activists called the Raging Grannies staged a singing protest at the Roddick Gates to condemn the asbestos industry’s influence at McGill. The Grannies sang about the harmful effects of asbestos and criticized the use of Canadian taxes to[Read More…]

Chilean movement leader talks student empowerment

Carolina Millán Ronchetti / McGill Tribune Throughout 2011, the Chilean student movement made headlines with its large-scale protests, creative demonstrations, and student strikes to reform the largely privatized education system. The movement, which at its apogee included between 500,000 and a million demonstrators, was described by some as one of[Read More…]

Calling for an AFTER-PARTY!

        The sixth floor occupiers of the James Administration Building have left after a week-long “party.” It was a raucous affair involving balloons, cake, and pumping music, with shivering security guards playing the role of bouncers. And now that it’s over, I believe the time is right[Read More…]

QPIRG and CKUT can cash in on the occupation

  This past Sunday McGill finally appeared to have run out of patience with the James Administration building “partiers” and had police escort them out. Unsurprisingly, the occupation ended without McGill meeting the group’s demands. However, the occupiers were certainly successful in sparking conversation on campus. While much of the[Read More…]

McGill announces internal investigation on asbestos

  In a letter sent to McGill University on Feb. 10, a group of 32 individuals called on McGill University to perform an independent and transparent investigation into the influence of the Quebec asbestos industry over Professor J. Corbett McDonald’s epidemiological research on the health effects of chrysotile asbestos. This[Read More…]

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