McGill community reacts to sixth floor occupiers

  Last week’s occupation of the James Administration Building received much attention, as students and organizations responded to the tactics and motivations of the occupiers. The protest, a reaction to the McGill administration’s rejection of the CKUT and QPIRG referendum results of last fall, came to an end when the[Read More…]

From the Cheap Seats

Dave Sandford / NHLI As any Ottawa native knows, the 417 is as close as you can get to a parking lot before Sens games. It’s packed, parking sucks, and only a rookie thinks that taking Terry Fox Drive is a shortcut. However, last week for the NHL All-Star Game,[Read More…]

Multitudes of microbreweries available in Montreal Every year as the Superbowl comes around I am painfully reminded of the cheap, watery, tin-flavored, mass-produced beer being consumed endlessly across the continent. The attraction of this yearly football phenomenon is synonymous with Budweiser and Coors, as countless advertising campaigns and beer sales will attest. But now that[Read More…]

Asbestos exporter takes leave from Board of Governors

Asbestos exporter and member of the McGill Board of Governors (BoG) Roshi Chadha announced last Wednesday that she will take a leave of absence from her positions on McGill’s BoG and that of St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation, in a move that follows calls for her resignation by anti-asbestos activists. Chadha[Read More…]

SSMU GA loses quorum after passing two motions

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune SSMU’s Winter General Assembly struggled to maintain quorum on Feb. 1, barely reaching the 100 undergraduates needed to render votes binding. Two motions were voted on as a binding assembly, while the remaining were voted on as a consultative body. A motion from the floor[Read More…]

Student Democracy: The agency of the few

The SSMU General Assembly last week was the latest installment of an institution at McGill showcasing both the theoretical promise of direct democracy and the reality of its own illegitimacy. The theoretical promise comes from the reasonable idea that the student body of a university should have a say in[Read More…]

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