SSMU Council discusses co-signing letter with MUNACA

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune Councillor resignation The session began with an announcement that Fenimore Love, the representative to SSMU Council from the faculty of religious studies, was resigning from his position. He did so without any explanation; the council expects a replacement. Libraries Colleen Cook, Trenholme Dean of Libraries,[Read More…]

Introducing the hashtag

  They’re called hashtags, and they’re a phenomenon that started on Twitter and are now appearing all over the Internet (and even outside, with the appearance of ‘air hashtag’ hand-signs). Before explaining what hashtags are, let’s examine the social media that started it all. Twitter was launched in July 2006,[Read More…]

With The Artist, silence is golden The Artist is cinema for cinephiles. Set at the dawn of the Golden Age of Hollywood, it’s at once a post-mortem and celebration of the silent genre. Director Michel Hazanavicius crafts a rich, beautiful world using minimalist cinematic strokes by today’s standards, and in his effort takes the viewer[Read More…]

Another bright flame snuffed out

For a week, boxing was alive and well in the memory of its fans. Like George Foreman in 1994, when the then 45-year-old won the heavyweight championship, boxing beat back father time and became relevant, even central, to sport for a few short days. This renewed interest was set off[Read More…]

Precise performance propels Martlets in opening meet

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune The McGill Martlets blew the other teams out of the water at the Martlet Synchronized Swimming Invitational at Memorial Pool this past Saturday, placing second or higher in all categories, with some of the most entertaining choreography in the pool. The duet category started the[Read More…]

Homewreckers: McGill’s title run spoiled

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune As hosts of the 2011 CIS women’s soccer championship, the Martlets clinched a spot in the championship bracket well before the first kickoff of the season. However, that didn’t prevent the Martlets from exceeding expectations in their quarter-final matchup by defeating second-ranked Trinity Western 1-0 [Read More…]

A chronology of campus protests at McGill

Sam Reynolds Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or found yourself trapped in a chemistry lab because the person with the key is a MUNACA worker, by now you’ve caught wind of the protests dominating our campus. If you’re looking for an impassioned defence of the protesters, or even[Read More…]

Thailand floods may cause a major technological shift

In the computer industry, major paradigm shifts occur when new technology appears which outperforms old technology at a similar cost. One of these technology shifts may take place very soon, as the flooding in Thailand has caused the price of rotational hard disk drives to skyrocket in the past few[Read More…]

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