McGill reaches out to students in refugee camps

This August, the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) welcomed 74 refugees from Malawi and Kenya who will attend one of 61 participating universities across Canada this year. Two participants in the program have enrolled at McGill, both in the faculty of engineering. WUSC’s Student Refugee Program (SRP) provides refugees[Read More…]

Sounds of the prairies

As September began saying its goodbyes, Montreal indie-rock sensation Arcade Fire took the city for a free ride that is still the subject of many a Facebook status. The downtown streets swelled with a larger crowd than usual that Thursday, and so I paused in my weekly grocery run to[Read More…]

Exploring Montreal Ryan Reisert When Mark Twain visited Montreal in 1881, he told guests at a banquet held in his honour that it was his first time visiting a city where you couldn’t throw a brick without breaking a church window. He reported hearing of plans to build one more: “I[Read More…]

Peaceful occupation

Occupy Wall Street has fast emerged as the topic of the hour. The protests have quickly spread around the world with Occupy Montreal protests planned for Oct. 15. It is difficult to discern the exact demands of the group, with only such vague statements as “We are the 99%” popping[Read More…]

Burtynsky peels back the layers of oil use

Edward Burtynsky Just how much have humans changed the planet? Edward Burtynsky’s series of 56 photographs, titled Oil, answers that question far better than any academic or researcher ever could. Oil shows just how much we rely on the precious resource, with pictures grouped into three chapters: extraction sites and[Read More…]

Suuns / PS I Love You Thursday October 6, Il Motore

Sam Reynolds Sam Reynolds Montreal’s Suuns (pronounced “soons”) made a hometown stop on their tour last Thursday night at Il Motore. Playing to a packed venue, the band pummelled its way through a dark, intense, and above all impressive set of dancey, minimalist, electro-tinged post-punk. Extensive touring has turned the[Read More…]

Hardboiled 101: An introduction to Dashiell Hammett

 When reading recreationally, I want a book that’s easy on the mind, yet emotionally gripping. It’s rare that my eyes will drift to the dry, unemotional stuff. That’s why I was surprised to find myself drawn to the work of one of the greatest hardboiled detective writers of all time:[Read More…]

The Ides of March

When a film title references the assassination of Caesar, viewers can’t expect lollipops and unicorns. The Ides of March, directed by George Clooney, is a film that strangles hope with its bare hands, throws it in the trunk, then dumps the body in the wilderness of political cynicism. Not to[Read More…]

Martlets survive scare, keep streak alive in opener

Sam Reynolds Sam Reynolds One hundred and six consecutive wins against Quebec conference opponents. Thirty-eight straight wins over rival Concordia. Three hundred and one career victories for Head Coach Peter Smith. But who’s counting? The defending national champions kicked off yet another promising season in front of a sparse McConnell[Read More…]

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