It is the year 1812. Yankee soldiers, some waving gigantic versions of the Red, White, and Blue, storm northwards under the auspices of a Greater Power. As a blazing sun sets on Upper and Lower Canada, budding Canadians everywhere yield to the call to keep their True North strong and[Read More…]
Search Results for "Sam Min"
Take the bull by the horns at Chez Serge Where in Montreal can you find the obscure combination of drinks served in sand pails, ‘90s rock music, and a mechanical bull? If the answer isn’t obvious, let me tell you about the existence of the charming little establishment known as Chez Serge. For those who are unfamiliar[Read More…]
Genetic breakthrough made in childhood brain cancer Dr. Nada Jabado, an associate professor of pediatrics at McGill, recently led an international cohort of scientists in search of the genetic factors behind the onset of childhood brain cancer. The study, published in Nature, uncovered two important mutations that affect the regulation of the genome. Glioblastoma multiforme, a[Read More…]
Around the Water Cooler
In case you were too busy wondering why The Artist had no words, here’s what you missed this past week in the world of sports … HOCKEY — As the trade deadline looms, the hockey world is abuzz with rumours about who will go where. Two players were at the[Read More…]
Martlets’ Cinderella season falls short in RSEQ finals Martlets’ Cinderella season falls short in R
Simon Poitrimolt / McGill Tribune For the third time in school history, the McGill Martlets volleyball team earned a chance to play in the RSEQ Championships. Playing the second game out of a best-of-three series, the Martlets took to the court having already lost the first game against the favoured[Read More…]
UQAM protest marks start of unlimited student strike
On Feb. 14, approximately 300 student demonstrators marched through McGill’s downtown campus following UQAM’s vote for an unlimited strike. UQAM is one of many universities and CEGEPs in Quebec that have voted to go on an unlimited strike to protest the Quebec government’s plans to increase university tuition fees for[Read More…]
Raging Grannies protest Quebec asbestos industry
Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune On Feb. 15, a group of Montreal activists called the Raging Grannies staged a singing protest at the Roddick Gates to condemn the asbestos industry’s influence at McGill. The Grannies sang about the harmful effects of asbestos and criticized the use of Canadian taxes to[Read More…]
Chilean movement leader talks student empowerment
Carolina Millán Ronchetti / McGill Tribune Throughout 2011, the Chilean student movement made headlines with its large-scale protests, creative demonstrations, and student strikes to reform the largely privatized education system. The movement, which at its apogee included between 500,000 and a million demonstrators, was described by some as one of[Read More…]
An open letter from the SSMU & MCSS Senate Caucus
McGill Tribune The SSMU & MCSS Student Senators would like articulate our reactions to the events of the last month. From consultations with the student body, it is clear that the vast majority of McGill students want the same things: accessible education, consultation, open communication, and a better campus[Read More…]
Calling for an AFTER-PARTY!
The sixth floor occupiers of the James Administration Building have left after a week-long “party.” It was a raucous affair involving balloons, cake, and pumping music, with shivering security guards playing the role of bouncers. And now that it’s over, I believe the time is right[Read More…]