Conference explores English-language arts in Quebec After the anglophone arts scene in Montreal fell apart in the turbulent political clime of the ‘60s and ‘70s, and after flights of anglo exodus before both the 1980 and 1995 referendum, English-language arts have enjoyed a resurgence here over the past decade. Both to celebrate this success, and[Read More…]

Drive: In every sense of the word Drive is not an action movie. It’s not a superhero flick. It’s not grindhouse, gangster, or romance. Drive is all of these things, and it works. Set in some of the seedier parts of Los Angeles, Drive is pulled from the pages of James Salis’ 2005 novel of the[Read More…]

Fire on the court, not just in the arcade There’s never any shortage of interesting and unique things to do and see at POP Montreal, but there’s been nothing quite like this in the festival’s 10-year history. This year, the festival hosts the first annual Pop vs. Jock Charity Basketball Match, an event organized by Arcade Fire’s Win[Read More…]

Camping Concoctions

In addition to putting up with plagues of insects, foul weather, and the threat of bears, campers will eat just about anything. The authentic wilderness experience just isn’t complete without risking complete digestive malfunction. Here’s my evaluation of  some unorthodox parings that I’ve tried in the past: Scrambled eggs with[Read More…]

Trudeau talks change at International Day of Democracy

Sam Reynolds Justin Trudeau, MP for Montreal’s Papineau riding, spoke Thursday at a Liberal McGill event held for the UN-sanctioned International Day of Democracy. The international observance, held each year on Sept. 15, aims to encourage governments to strengthen programs that promote democracy. The event, attended by roughly 100 students,[Read More…]

Council endorses MUNACA on behalf of students

Sam Reynolds Sam Reynolds SSMU’s endorsement of MUNACA, Teaching Assistants’ contract negotiations, and a proposal to replace tenants of the Shatner cafeteria were on the agenda at the  first SSMU legislative council of the year, held last Thursday. The Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) presented on Teaching[Read More…]

Engineers without borders

In 2000, two engineering undergraduates finished their studies and asked themselves “What do we do now?” But the most important question to them was, “how can we put ourselves to good use in order to serve society?” Out of these questions, and the burning desire to do something other than[Read More…]

Interview with MP Matthew Dubé The McGill Tribune sat down with Matthew Dubé, who found himself thrown into Ottawa’s political arena after his surprise victory in last May’s election, to discuss Jack Layton’s legacy and the future of the NDP.  A former McGill student, he spent the summer between his constituency and Ottawa, preparing[Read More…]

MUNACA strike, week two

Sam Reynolds The MUNACA strike has entered its second week with newly restarted negotiations remaining at a standstill, despite Quebec’s appointment of a conciliator. Meanwhile, SSMU has steadily supported MUNACA. On Friday afternoon, McGill announced that a conciliator was appointed to bring the McGill’s administration and the striking workers together.[Read More…]

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