Acclaimed exec positions a growing problem

McGill Tribune In this semester’s debate over whether and how to reform the General Assembly, most of those involved repeatedly stressed their commitment to representative democracy for students at McGill. All proposals for reform were offered in the name of that democracy and its continued improvement. The discourse surrounding student[Read More…]

Don’t fight racism with racism

I always thought there would be glory in being quoted by a major publication. But when an American Spectator blog reposted the opening paragraph of my article last week (“Anti-Semitism is real”) in their own coverage of McGill’s threatening tweets affair, I was disheartened—though not terribly surprised—to see that readers[Read More…]

The Times, It Is A-Changin’

When The New York Times announced a couple of weeks ago that it would begin charging readers to access more than 20 stories per month on its website, it didn’t take long for those who knew I was an obsessive reader to start making jokes. Within hours of the announcement,[Read More…]

Jon Elster gives talk

Columbia University’s Jon Elster, a renowned scholar in rational choice theory, delivered the René Cassin Lecture in the Faculty of Law on Thursday entitled “Justice, Truth, and Peace.” In a discussion attended mainly by Law professors and students, Elster argued that most of the time, justice, truth, and peace don’t[Read More…]

McGill’s Barbados campus: Bellairs Research Institute

Matt Essert McGill is a terrible tundra of frigidness and despair. You can’t go to class without having your nose hairs freeze off or your feet succumbing to terrible frost bite … unless of course, you’re spending a semester at the McGill Bellairs Research Institute in beautiful Barbados. The Bellairs[Read More…]

A McGillian Gone South

Elisha Lerner Elisha Lerner Tall, stern, and with a prominent scar on his right cheek, Guy Boucher looks like the prototypical hockey coach. He speaks in short, to-the-point sentences, yells at his players and uses phrases like “all piss and vinegar”—things you could only hear in a hockey dressing room.[Read More…]

Anti-Semitism is real

The morning before we published the story about Haaris Khan’s tweets last week, I think I startled one of my fellow editors. She was convinced that the story was a huge deal, that there would be a unanimous outcry, that this was one of those things that transcends politics and[Read More…]

Martlets soar in shootout while Redmen stumble

Martlets Game Even indoors, McGill’s women’s soccer team dominated their Quebec competitors. The McGill Martlets are heading to the Indoor Soccer Provincial Championships after defeating the University of Sherbrooke in a nail-biting game that was finally decided by penalty kicks. Entering the semifinal undefeated, McGill came to play. They scored[Read More…]

New Rez catches fire

Students who live in McGill residences are all too familiar with fire drills. Last Tuesday, however, New Residence Hall experienced the real thing. In the late morning, a small fire on the 14th floor set off the sprinklers, causing major water damage to 12 rooms, which has dislocated a number[Read More…]

James Franco: the patische kid

If given the opportunity to be James Franco for a day, would you take it? He’s creative, sensitive, prolific, and intellectual, but at the same time fashionably disaffected, hinting at a slightly tortured artistic soul. He makes risqué films that screen at Cannes and plans to direct William Faulkner and[Read More…]

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