
I take off my shirt and it smells. I sniff my armpits, first the left, then the right, and they both smell. I stand in front of the mirror, shirtless, sweat and rain pouring down my face, ricocheting off me, and falling into the porcelain bowl, and I look at[Read More…]

Getting a ride without maxing out your credit card

A wise man once told me “A Bixi is like a prostitute. It’s only five bucks, and everyone gets a ride.” I countered that a Bixi can’t contract venereal diseases, a safety feature that has certainly helped the Bixi system attract millions of riders since its introduction to Montreal’s streets[Read More…]

Reviving the undead through song

In this climate of all-things vampire, it is no surprise that Montreal’s Camp Broadway is now performing Dracula: The Musical. Based on Dracula, the Bram Stoker novel, the musical attempts to stay true to the classic Victorian tale—but this time, the story is propelled by dramatic musical numbers. With music[Read More…]

Blue deja vu

Business students, put away your books; James Cameron and Fox Studios are about to give you a marketing lesson to remember. Some of you might have had a feeling of déjà vu if you bumped into an Avatar: Soon in Theatres poster. I thought I was suffering from a space-time[Read More…]

Chemical Brothers : Further

Released earlier this year, the Chemical Brothers’ seventh effort, Further, can start to sound like a concert album after a few plays. Unlike many of the Brothers’ earlier releases, the album captures the raw intensity and structureless flow of a live set, filled with unexpected drops, blips, and volume shifts.[Read More…]

Hipsters aren’t hipsters

Nowadays, it seems that when a subculture springs up it’s given a name before a proper definition. Remember the word “emo?” All of a sudden there was an umbrella term for a group made up of wildly different characteristics: Dashboard Confessional fans lumped in with The Cure fans, people who[Read More…]

Library Reviews: Episode 4 – Redpath Redpath isn’t so much a library as a hallway with some desks set up in it. The main study space in Redpath lies in the high-traffic connection between McLennan and the  cafeteria/Cybertheque. The library houses some of the more technology-based parts of the library system, such as computer labs,[Read More…]

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