Lauren Hudak – VP University Affairs

What do you think would be the most important issues facing the VP UA next year? One of them will be tuition for sure, it has been shown that tuition increases seem to be inevitable for this upcoming year, however as VP UA I will definitely take a very hard[Read More…]

Facebook and what it offers

Every morning when I wake up, I reach down for my laptop, which sits beside my bed on the floor, and I check Facebook. I have already checked Facebook immediately before falling asleep—that’s why my laptop is so close. But as each day brings new possibilities, so I hope Facebook[Read More…]

Laval upsets top-seeded McGill

Holly Stewart Through three quarters, Laval was so hot from the field that it’s excusable if anyone thought they were the cause of the alarms ringing in Currie Gym. The culprit was in fact a faulty detector, but that didn’t stop the entire complex from being evacuated for 20 minutes[Read More…]

Why abc123 is a strong password

If you’ve used the Gawker media service in the last year or so, you’re probably aware of the massive account information leak that occurred in late 2010. In this security breach, the user database, containing 1.3 million users, was leaked. This breach shows that even huge sites with millions of[Read More…]

How to rear children

You might think it’s a bit early to start thinking about rearing children, but it’s not. Kids are everywhere and need to be dealt with in the right way. If you make a mistake raising a child, you are effectively giving the middle finger to the future, and that’s just[Read More…]

Carol Fraser – VP Clubs & Services

What do you think the VP clubs and services relationship should be towards independent student groups that aren’t clubs or services, such as QPIRG? The way I see it is that campus is a place for intellectual growth and intellectual discussion and groups like QPIRG or campus publications. Even though[Read More…]

Schwarcz debunks psychics in lecture

Joe Schwarcz can fill a room, even over reading week. Last Thursday, McGill’s renowned science educator gave a talk titled “Science and the Paranormal” to a near-capacity crowd in Leacock 232. The talk was sponsored in part by the McGill Freethought Association, a club that encourages skepticism about, among other[Read More…]

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