Avey Tare – Down There

Often overshadowed by the overwhelming success of his bandmate Panda Bear, many are probably unaware that Avey Tare—one-fourth of Animal Collective—works as a solo artist as well. Down There, his solo debut, takes the listener on an adventure through the depths of murky swamps, riding distorted synths and bass-heavy sampling[Read More…]

McGill denied bronze medal in Martlet Invitational

Sophie Silkes Sophie Silkes The McGill Martlets suffered a highly competitive straight-set defeat to the University of Montreal Carabins, 27-25, 25-21, 25-22, in the bronze medal game of the 20th annual McGill Martlet Invitational Volleyball Tournament. The Martlets led 21-17 in the first set, and 18-14 in the second, but[Read More…]

The Trib’s General Assembly Endorsements

McGill Tribune Resolution Regarding AUS Fundraiser—YES This resolution mandates that SSMU conduct a bake sale to raise funds for the AUS. The latter has had serious financial difficulties, many of which cannot be blamed on the the current executives. While the Tribune realizes that the motion is being put forward[Read More…]

Don’t be liberal with Canadian lives

Liberal incompetence on national defence is nothing new—it’s been pointed out to them for more than a decade. Former Chief of the Defence Staff General Rick Hillier perhaps put it best when he referred to the 1990s as the “decade of darkness.” In that decade, everything was subject to budget[Read More…]

Canaries out of the cage

Jack Maguire Baxter State Park, in central Maine, closed to summer camping last Friday.  While that doesn’t matter to most people, there’s a small group for whom the closure of the park marks the end of an odyssey. Mount Katahdin in Baxter is the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail,[Read More…]

Under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh

Umbrellas amaze me.  They’re just one of those inventions that make you stop and wonder.  They aren’t as mind-blowing as, say, photocopiers—they staple and collate!—or mirrors that don’t fog up in the shower. But still, umbrellas are awesome. For one thing, there’s their ubiquity. I always thought that the inevitable[Read More…]

QPIRG abuses its mandate

McGill Tribune Walking through the Quebec Public Interest Research Group building is like stepping into a different world. Posters entitled “No Olympics on Stolen Land,” “No to Canada-U.S. Imperialism,” and Middle East maps without Israel deck the walls of their hallways. QPIRG is a student-funded organization that collects tens of[Read More…]

Canada Post: a failure

This past week, I had to express mail something to South Africa. On my way to the post office in La Cite, past experience made me think that no matter how much I paid, there was no chance in hell my package would arrive by November. I trudged over to[Read More…]

Peach Salsa

I have a soft spot for salsa, especially salsa fresca. Fruit is a lovely addition to the popular sauce, adding colour, sweetness, and complexity to the flavour. It’s one of my favourite summer snacks, but it can be enjoyed year round. Because the Ontario peach season is winding down, now[Read More…]

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