Students craft pins and ribbons in solidarity with the Mohawk Mothers

Content Warning: Mentions of death and abuse On Nov. 15, the Anthropology Students’ Association (ASA)—in partnership with the Nursing Undergraduate Society (NUS), Divest McGill, the Arts Undergraduate Society, and Take Back Tekanontak—hosted a “Crafting Solidarity” event in support of the Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers).  The Mothers are currently engaged in[Read More…]

McGill’s neglect of Indigenous veterans fuels settler colonialism

Content warning: sexual violence, settler colonialism. Observed a few days before Remembrance Day, Indigenous Veterans Day on Nov. 8 commemorates the notable contributions of Indigenous veterans to Canada’s historical military pursuits. Despite official recognition since the day’s establishment in 1994, the broader acknowledgment of Indigenous contributions remains insufficient, and the[Read More…]

The hidden opponent: How ACL tears threaten women’s soccer

In the Feature of the Week: From sidelining top players in the 2023 women’s soccer World Cup to affecting young athletes on school playgrounds, Sports Editor Anoushka Oke delves into why ACL injuries in women’s soccer have become the sports unseen opponent, prompting pressing questions about deeper systemic issues in the beautiful game.

Bonding over books

The McConnell Buildings on McGill University’s and Concordia University’s downtown campuses appear inconspicuous, their exteriors giving no sign of what dwells within. This proves true with the one at McGill (did you know there’s a bar in the basement?), but was especially apparent at Concordia’s McConnell Building on Nov. 3[Read More…]

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