Know Your Athlete: Madison Mueller

After making the decision to study at McGill, Madison Mueller, a U3 student studying anatomy and cell biology, found herself trying out for the school’s water polo team, the Poseidons. Growing up in Burr, Saskatchewan—a province well known for its flat, dry plains—Mueller never considered playing water polo. But as[Read More…]

The selective humanity in Canada’s refugee policy

Canada’s open-arms response to the recent Ukrainian refugee crisis is, rightfully, a point of pride for Canadians. Refugees of all backgrounds face unimaginable challenges through no fault of their own, from dangerous sea crossings to lasting mental trauma. Countries that recognize these challenges and contribute their attention and resources to[Read More…]

Redressing the history of medical injustice at McGill

Content warning: Enslavement, medical abuse, racial and colonial violence  McGill’s troubled history of abuse and complicity in violence toward Black, Indigenous, and disabled people is nothing new. James McGill enslaved at least three Black people and two Indigenous children, an increasingly recognized and discussed reality within the community, especially following[Read More…]

Over 15 million dollars from McGill Investment Pool tied up in Uyghur genocide

Content warning: Mentions of violence and discrimination  Divest McGill’s recent occupation of the McCall MacBain Arts Building has served as a reminder of the controversy surrounding McGill’s investments in fossil fuels. The McGill Tribune’s investigation into other investments within McGill’s $1.9-billion endowment fund reveals the university’s connection to companies aiding[Read More…]

SSMU Executive Endorsements 2022—2023

The McGill Tribune presents its endorsements for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) 2022—2023 Executive team. President Bryan Buraga If elected, Bryan Buraga’s 2022-2023 term would be his second—he served as SSMU president during the 2019-2020 academic year. His experience is, unsurprisingly, extensive: He has in-depth knowledge of SSMU’s structures,[Read More…]

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