On justice and mathematics

There is a passage in Plato’s //Meno// that goes something like this: The well-born Meno asks for proof of Socrates’ claim that no one is ever taught anything, and instead they recollect things they already know. Socrates calls over one of Meno’s enslaved attendants and asks the boy, who has[Read More…]

Spring break diaries

After an intense period of midterms and deadlines, reading week always comes as a much-needed break. Some take advantage of the break as an opportunity to catch up on any missed lectures or readings. Though the week off can be a good time to get a headstart on upcoming work,[Read More…]

A ticking clock

Watching my parents get older is a sombre pastime. It’s hard getting acquainted with a greyer, achier, more weathered version of them each year. Both my parents and I have become unconsenting spectators, watching their list of health concerns grow longer and bodies get more tired. Time seems to move[Read More…]

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