The history behind Women’s History Month

Content warning: Sexual assault What started as Women’s History Day on March 19, 1911 eventually became Women’s History Month, an international worldwide celebration in March. Today, Women’s History Month prompts us to commemorate the powerful women who have shaped the world and advocated for gender equality.  Though two lengthy world[Read More…]

Human Rights Watch Film Festival shares compassion through screens

From Feb. 18-22, Human Rights Watch Canada showcased a selection of their films for Toronto’s 18th annual Human Rights Watch Film Festival, a cinematographic exhibition that celebrates diverse human perspectives from around the world. With COVID-19 disrupting the festival’s typical execution, Canadian cinematographer and festival co-chair Nicholas de Pencier discussed[Read More…]

How to spice up nights under curfew

While Montreal’s lockdown restrictions were partially lifted on Feb. 8, the citywide curfew persists. After months of binge-watching the same Netflix originals and rewatching classic series, the monotony can be unbearable. As nights spent alone or with roommates blur together, many students are searching for ways to spice things up[Read More…]

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