2020 Rewind: SciTech discoveries of the year

2020 was a year characterized by uncertainty, despair, and drastic change. However, several scientific and technological achievements provide hope for the future. Google stakes its claim on quantum supremacy Google’s quantum computer, Sycamore, is the first instance of such a device outcompeting a classical computer. While a classical computer reads[Read More…]

Shooting your shot on Zoom

Remote classes are not an ideal learning method for anyone, but this does not mean you cannot have some fun with it. Beyond adjusting academically, adapting socially to remote learning is a whole other ballpark. Reaching out to strangers online is a challenge to be conquered.  One of my classmates[Read More…]

Spending the holidays with chosen family

For many, this holiday season was spent away from loved ones. At a time when uniting with  family feels especially pertinent, the realities of the pandemic remain stark. Nonetheless, students adapted, finding comfort in friends, roommates, and themselves.  Ollie F., U3 Arts, spent the holidays with their roommate and boyfriend.[Read More…]


McGill must give S/U due diligence

The McGill Senate on Dec. 2 rejected a motion to suspend the body’s standing rules, which prevented it from reintroducing a proposal to implement a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading option for students this semester. In a controversial move, they referred it back to the Steering Committee, even though it had already[Read More…]

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