Student Life

Amarula five ways

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my travels, it’s that liquor is really expensive in the Great White North. Shopping for cocktail ingredients  fancier than orange soda and vodka will set you back at least fifty bucks.  And, by the time you’ve thrown up half of those appletinis you were going to make, you’ll never want to see that bottle of vermouth ever again. So, I present five ways to use a twenty dollar bottle of Amarula. This liqueur is made from the southern African marula fruit (not from the elephants on the label), which makes it much more flavourful than Bailey’s.  You can drink it straight, with hot chocolate, or with some liqueurs you may have lying around from that night you never made it to Tokyo.


Pour Amarula into a chilled glass. The alcohol content is fairly low, so fill-er-up!


Pour one part crème de menthe into a shot glass. Slowly pour one part Amarula over the back of a spoon into the glass.


Pour one part Kahlua into a shot glass. Slowly pour one part Amarula over the back of a spoon into the glass.

 Coffee and hot chocolate

Pour a dash of Amarula into a cup of hot chocolate or decaf coffee for a sweet after dinner drink.  


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