Ask Ainsley, Student Life

Ask The Trib: Your guide to thriving socially in your first semester at McGill

Dear Tribune,

I’m starting my first year at McGill and am struggling to figure out how to connect with people and make friends, whether in my program or elsewhere on campus. I feel lost socially and worry that this might prevent me from fully enjoying and making the most of my first year.

Do you have any tips on how I can navigate this new environment?


Socially Overwhelmed Student (SOS)

Dear SOS,

Your feelings and concerns are completely valid and resonate with many incoming students (we’ve all been there). Making new friends and meeting people in a large environment like McGill can be overwhelming. Whether you’re a newcomer or a returning student, navigating campus life and building connections can feel daunting. However, there are many ways to form long-lasting connections at McGill without getting stressed.

Making friends in your program
The first few weeks can be a bit tricky. Many students might be dropping or switching classes, which can make it harder to find a steady group on campus. However, don’t let this discourage you. In the meantime, try sitting near someone alone in your classes. Fellow students are often in the same position as you—feeling a bit lost and looking to make new friends. Starting a conversation can be as simple as asking questions about the course material or the professor. This approach not only breaks the ice but also helps you find common ground with your peers. 

When it comes to meeting people in your program, try not to stress too much. You have the entire year to connect with classmates, and it’s natural for friendships to develop over time. Even if you don’t chat with people on the first day, it is never too late to do so. Sometimes, your closest friendships may form just weeks before the semester ends. Stay open to meeting new people and avoid putting pressure on yourself or comparing your social progress to others.

Attend campus events

If you’re part of a faculty, make sure to follow their official social media page, as well as the page for their undergraduate student association. Faculties at McGill organize tons of events on and off campus year-round, and sometimes even host meet-ups in local pubs and bars. What better way to meet people and be more involved on campus than by embracing opportunities offered by your own faculty? These events provide valuable opportunities to connect with faculty members and students in your field of study. 

Another way to meet new people on campus is by attending events hosted by McGill. The school often hosts intramural and varsity football, soccer, hockey, and basketball games where university teams compete against each other and other schools. Keeping up with the latest updates from //The Tribune’s// Sports section is a great way to stay informed about athletic events.

Explore clubs and volunteer opportunities

While it may sound cliché, one of the best ways to make friends on campus is to step out of your comfort zone. With over 250 clubs, there’s undoubtedly a match for everyone’s interests at McGill. Whether you’re into fashion, writing, social activism, or sports, there’s a club waiting for you. Explore club listings on Instagram to connect with student groups and organizations, enriching your McGill experience. Don’t miss out on the Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Activities Night on September 11-12, where many SSMU groups showcase their offerings, providing a chance to interact with executive members and sign up. You could also find community in identity-based organizations like the Black Student Network, the Spanish and Latin American Students Association, and the Arab Students Association, among many others. 

Additionally, searching for volunteering opportunities at Activities Night or through the McGill website is a fantastic way to engage with the campus community and meet like-minded students. Not only will it strengthen your academic CV, but it will help you make friends.

Don’t forget to be yourself

At the end of the day, the best way to meet new people and make the most out of your academic year is by being yourself. By remaining authentic, you will attract the right connections and opportunities. Trying to fit a mould or certain expectations can be exhausting, so take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy your new year at McGill.

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