If you’re cleaning up before going away for the holidays, consider donating some of your excess. There are several locations within walking distance of campus to donate clothes, books, non-perishable food, and toys.
1. Donate clothes—“Echo” bin, Place Montreal Trust 1500 rue McGill College
2. Donate clothes—McGill Chaplaincy, Suite 2100, Brown Building, 3600 McTavish, only Fridays 9am-4:30pm
3. Donate adults’ coats—coat rack outside Room 4400, Brown Building, West Wing, Peel & Dr. Penfield
4. Donate money or non-perishables for vegan lunch—Yellow Door, Fridays 12:30-3:30, 3625 Aylmer, downstairs
5. Donate books—near entranace of McGill Bookstore, 3420 McTavish
6. Donate toys—drop box near Currie Gymnasium entrance, 475 des Pins
You can also call (514) 764-0147 to arrange for Big Brothers & Sisters of Montreal to pick up donations of clothing, household items, or furniture from your home or office.