Horoscopes, Student Life

It’s a (zodiac) sign: The McGill club for you

With such a diverse catalogue of student clubs and initiatives at McGill, finding your perfect match can be a challenging pursuit. As the semester draws near, students are figuring out classes, work schedules, and whether or not to get that pink pixie cut. Instead of agonizing over which club to join, trust in your zodiac sign to have the answer.


Your energy may annoy your loved ones at times, but will be greatly appreciated on a sports team like the McGill Naginata. The club practices Naginata, a martial art that can help you release your competitive energy in a positive way.  


You usually show patience and significant practicality in the activities you engage in. These qualities will be an asset to the McGill Culinary Society, especially when your friends start requesting homemade gnocchi every Friday night. In this club, you might even find someone to cook with—hopefully that person is not a Leo, as fire signs can often butt heads!


Gemini are known as the two-faced zodiac sign. You will fit well in a club like McGill Improv, where you can unleash your alter ego by playing different characters. Your intellect will help you fashion smart scenarios and witty replies that will delight the attendees. 


Since the crab is a tremendously artistic and emotional creature, you have the potential to create magnificent paintings and calligraphy in the Chinese Brush Arts Club. Putting all of your feelings into your artwork will only work in your favour—your tears will blend into the ink and become a part of the art while you listen to your “2 a.m. sad songs” playlist.


No one loves admiration more than you. Fortunately, in a club like the Montreal Di Majesty, you can dance Bhangra, a Punjabi dance with lively and vibrant moves that are sure to mesmerize your audience! As long as you can refrain from admiring yourself in the mirror, you should pick up the dance moves in no time. 


As hardworking as you are, you would be a fantastic addition to the F Word Collective, an intersectional feminist magazine founded and largely run by McGill students. Motivated to produce quality content, you will become a dedicated writer. Just remember to schedule in some leisure time as well, or you might burn yourself out before seeing your work published!


There is nothing you enjoy more than being around other people and getting involved in team projects. Effusion A Cappella, a McGill a cappella group, could become your newest passion. Since you are indecisive, however, let’s hope you are not asked to choose which song to sing!


You are brave and practical—other students should not be surprised to find themselves drawn to your resourcefulness. You would thrive in an environment like the McGill Outdoors Club, an organization that allows Montrealers to immerse in nature and learn new skills through group outings dedicated to different activities, including, but not limited to, hiking, skiing, and ice climbing. 


With you, the choice is easy: Your great sense of humor could do wonders in the McGill Comedy Club. Despite your evident charm, you can be quite undiplomatic at times, so you should be careful not to ruffle too many feathers in the audience. 


You are undeniably a know-it-all, and while this may peeve your classmates, the McGill Trivia Club will welcome you with open arms. Fortunately, you are disciplined enough to teach yourself trivia but inhibited enough to not speak impulsively during a Quizbowl game. Surely, a winning combination.


You gravitate to clubs of all sorts—as long as they do not require you to share your emotions. Since you have a prominent independent side and enjoy unique endeavours, you would be a strong addition to the SynesthASIA club, which hosts yearly fashion shows featuring local brands. Knowing your character, you might just decide to start a brand of your own!


The McGill Students’ Ballroom Dance Club will appeal to your intuition and gentleness. Because of your emotional side, you will find yourself instantly swayed by the music and falling head over heels for your partner. This special someone should remember, however, that you do not respond well to criticism—so best to keep comments about your two left feet to a minimum.

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