Out on the Town, Student Life

Snow-melting looks to don for Spring

Spring has sprung in Montreal. The Hot Dog Guy has resumed his post at the Y-intersection, the amount of people walking around campus seems to have doubled, and the thrifting girlies have broken out the long, ruffled skirts and quirky sunglasses. With the temperature change comes an important change in a young student’s journey—one that has less to do with the books, and more to do with the lewks: The transition from Winter to Spring fashion. 

While the change can seem daunting, it needn’t be. Spring fashion—like all fashion—is first and foremost about wearing what you feel most comfortable in; start there and experiment with clothing that makes you feel good. Read on to hear what trends I observed while perched on a bench by the Y-intersection, listening to the new KYLE album, wondering if enough people had seen me looking mysterious and contemplative, or if I should give it 15 more minutes. 

The big bag 

Take a look around the library or your next class and you’ll notice something different within the bagscape. A new bag is on the scene, nestled among the tote bags silently crying for a break and that one geometric patterned bag that everyone seems to be in love with. It’s questionably called “the hobo bag,” and it’s the slouchy bag with a woven pattern that the girlies are using to tote their iPads and lipgloss around this semester. 

Wide-legged jeans and Doc Martens 

For all of the Doc warriors out there, fear not, this trend shows no signs of stopping. This spring, whether you rock the originals, the Hollys, or the thick platform boots (that I feel like are getting a little higher every time I see them) there’s plenty of room for Doc Martens in your closet. They go well with any colour of wide-legged jeans, giving you that effortless yeah-I-know-a-bit-about-fashion look. 

Funky sunglasses

I made a nod to this in the intro, but it bears repeating: Funky sunglasses are in! Whether they be the sporty-style dollar store ones, the 2012-Tumblr-core flower ones or something you thought looked cute from the thrift store, toss some sunnies on to complete your look this Spring. 

Colour, colour, colour

One thing I observed while edging slowly toward the Beaver Tail truck was how the Y-intersection seemed almost to be in bloom—there was colour everywhere. It was as though when the world hibernated, our boldest and brightest clothing did too. But it’s back in full force, with people donning greens, yellows, eye-catching blues, and reds, in honour of the dreary Montreal winter ending. 

Kissing the boots goodbye

While my time spent perusing saw no shortage of platform Ugg boots (especially ones with little bows on the back) and snow boots, they are on their way out. After spending a couple of months on the rack recovering from intimate interactions with club bathrooms and frat house floors, the sneakers were back on the scene. People are trading in their stompers for a pair of New Balance 237s and any variation of the “dad shoe.” 

The white, ruffled skirt 

This season is seeing the resurgence of the frilly, ruffly, floor-length skirts, also referred to as “boho” skirts. Evoking a Jane-Austen-like sense of wistfulness and romance, these skirts pair perfectly with a quick glance and smirk aimed at the cutie in the hot dog line before disappearing into the crowd. Or if that’s not really your style, cowboy boots and brightly coloured tops work well too!

All jokes aside, it was so refreshing to sit outside under the sun and take in all of the gorgeous fashion we have at McGill. It’s so unique, and honestly, a little inspiring too (if you are the person with the long, pink hair that I stopped to compliment, your outfit was incredible—I’m still thinking about it). Maybe as a study break while you prepare for finals, or as something to think about when you’re laying out on the hill, see if you can get some fashion inspiration this spring, and spring out of your comfort zone (see what I did there?). Happy styling!

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