Private, Student Life

Word on the Y: What is your major, and why?

Some students come into university knowing exactly what they want to study, others find the process of choosing a major to be a more difficult process. The McGill Tribune asked McGill students passing by the Y-Intersection about how they decided on their program of study.



        McGill Tribune (The McGill Tribune)     


        Kavya Nhuri, U3 Physiology     


"I came [to McGill] in U1, so they asked me to decide before coming. [Physiology] was just the one [major] that sounded the most medical […I want to be a doctor] eventually […] I have always liked knowing a lot of information and being trusted with a lot of information. I also really like the aspect of interacting with human beings and working with patients, so [the medical field] was a good profession to amalgamate those two things."     



Yasmeen Safaie, U1 Double Major Chemistry and English Literature


“I love both [chemistry and literature]. Also I am so indecisive [.…] I have zero idea [of what I want to do after university]. I am really into radio on campus, so I was thinking about maybe doing something like that [.…] That’s like the dream.”




Ryan Pink, U0 Accounting


“My interests lie in [the] Faculty [of Management] and I had the marks [to get in]. I thought it was a practical choice, and Arts seemed a little too broad for what I wanted to do [.…] I like it so far and I will definitely be staying in Management.”

Max Huggin, U0 Finance

“I quite like the flexibility that the first year of [the Faculty of] Management provided. [Before university] I wasn’t 100 per cent sure [.…] I was torn between doing political science, history, or management [….] I discovered that I really do like management and I am going to do a major in finance.”




Lilika Kukiela and Keha Hanson, U3 Literature


“[We’re studying] mostly literature […. We both want to pursue] academia. More degrees.”




Chris Fitzpatrick, U1 Political Science


“I’m studying political science. How did I decide? I thought politics was something I [was] passionate about and I [figured] it’s something everybody should know. After university, I wanna go to law school [….] I’ll see where the wind takes me.”




Samantha Dolter, U1 Double Major Microbiology and Immunology


“I want to specialize in infectious diseases. I hope to get into medical school […] and then work with Doctors Without Borders.”




Peter Wenhao Wang, U1 Computer Engineering


“Honestly, I am not sure [how I chose my major]. It’s just sort of one of the hardest programs, so I thought I’d do that. And now it’s really hard, and I’m like, I wanna take a break.”




Zaheed Kara, U1 Political Science


“I’m doing political science, so I obviously have a big interest in politics and international relations [….] I’m in undergrad right now, and then [I’ll] probably [get a] master’s in public policy.”

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