As the Aug. 21 solar eclipse approaches, science fans and space enthusiasts across North America are preparing for the event. Even though the eclipse’s path won’t cross McGill campus, students shouldn’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime event. Here is everything you need to know: What is an eclipse? A solar eclipse occurs when[Read More…]
Tag: astronomy
Canadian universities team up to track down rare radio signals in space
Space. The first image that comes to mind is probably the night sky, a tranquil blanket of empty blackness dotted with twinkling stars, but this image is deceiving. Not only are stars much more sparse in the universe than the sky may lead one to believe, but the vast voids[Read More…]
What happened before the Big Bang?
McGill Physics Professor Robert Brandenberger spoke at the Cutting Edge lecture series on Jan. 12 hosted by the Redpath Museum. In the lecture, Brandenberger shed light on the question, “What was before the Big Bang and how might we be able to tell?” “Who thinks that there was a Big Bang?”[Read More…]
McGill professor wins top Canadian science award
Professor Victoria Kaspi, astrophysicist in McGill University’s Department of Physics and Director of the McGill Space Institute, was awarded the Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering, the nation’s top scientific honour, last month. Kaspi is one of the world’s leading experts on neutron stars, tiny stellar remnants[Read More…]
Campus Spotlight: Astronomy Club
Whether you come from a small mountain town in southern France or the concrete jungle of New York City, there’s something to be said about the enchantment of the open sky. The McGill Students’ Astronomy Club, which was started in August 2012 by a few graduate students in the physics[Read More…]