Tag: AUS

McGill Redpath Museum

Semester in Review

SSMU VP Internal resignation In October 2015, the acting vice-president (VP) Internal of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Lola Baraldi resigned, citing personal reasons. Following two elections for Baraldi’s replacement, Omar El-Sharaway took office as the new VP Internal on Jan. 1. In the wake of these events,[Read More…]

AUS announces $6,000 Frosh surplus

The Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) announced at their latest council meeting that they are projecting an approximate surplus of $6,000 from this year’s Arts Frosh. This comes as a distinct contrast to last year’s $30,000 deficit.  AUS Vice-President (VP) Finance Mizra Ali Shakir and VP Social Christine Koppenaal were responsible[Read More…]

AUS McGill Lounge

AUS Council discusses errors in financing, $20,000 in additional audit costs

The Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) held its first Council meeting of the semester Wednesday, addressing errors in its financial record, its Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with McGill, and the election of a new Arts Representative to the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). Mirza Ali Shakir, vice-president (VP) finance, presented[Read More…]

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