‘Legally Blonde’ features stellar vocal performances, a great sense of humour, and a whole lot of pink

This year’s Arts Undergraduate Theatre Society of McGill (AUTS) production of Legally Blonde came with a huge warning label. A week before opening night, the cast learned that asbestos had been found in Moyse Hall. The director, assistant director, and stage managers were left scrambling for a new location, and[Read More…]

Players’ Theatre proves that the show must go on

Theatre-lovers everywhere are mourning the days of live performances with sold-out venues, elaborate production designs, and most importantly, a sense of collective belonging. COVID-19 has caused major disruptions for McGill’s theatre community, especially since Montreal moved into its Red Zone earlier this month.  Understandably, theatre clubs at McGill have struggled[Read More…]

AUTS’ “Heathers: The Musical” brings teen angst, musical numbers, and murder to Moyse Hall

[metaslider id=49996] Since its release in 1988, Heathers has become a cult classic. Taking a jarringly dark approach to teenage angst, the original film follows Veronica (Winona Ryder) and her homicidal boyfriend J.D. (Christian Slater) as they seek unorthodox revenge on their classmates. A black comedy, Heathers finds hilarity in[Read More…]

La vie Boheme: AUTS’ RENT sheds light and darkness on New York’s starving artists

Sentimental is a term that is often used in a derogatory way in criticism. Strong emotions are juxtaposed with a more savvy and self-aware, or clear-headed and objective approach to human issues. ‘Sentimental’ is a label frequently applied to musicals, and this year’s Arts Undergraduate Theatre Society (AUTS) production, RENT[Read More…]

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