Tag: BdA

Open Air Pub McGill

Commentary: Ode to OAP

Most McGill students would agree that Open Air Pub (OAP) is a great place to commence the semester. It has cold drinks, hot food, live music, and provides the perfect venue to catch up with your friends at the beginning of the school year. But these attractions alone don’t make[Read More…]

The Arts Lounge of AUS McGill

Inconsistencies with BdA alcohol permits among reasons for resignation of AUS VP Social

VP Social resignation and BdA improprieties During last Wednesday’s Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Council meeting, the AUS discussed the replacement process for Kyle Rouhani, who recently resigned as VP Social. According to a statement by Rouhani on his Facebook page, he decided to resign “for reasons of extreme personal, academic,[Read More…]

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