Anti-Canada Picnic draws supporters and raises funds for Karhiwanoron Immersion School

In solidarity with Karhiwanoron Immersion Elementary School, the Anti-Canada Picnic brought members of the McGill community together to acknowledge 150 years of what organizers called the “Canadian settler state.” On June 29, Midnight Kitchen (MK), Quebec Public Interest Research Group of McGill (QPIRG McGill) and CKUT-FM 90.3 hosted the fundraiser[Read More…]

BSN x CKUT: Black Talk

On Monday, Feb. 15, Black Students’ Network (BSN) collaborated with CKUT 90.3 FM to produce Black Talk, thirteen hours of afrocentric radio programming. As part of their Black History Month series, the BSN-involved McGill students and Montreal locals alike fostered conversations on the black experience and issues within the black[Read More…]

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