In late September 2022, a pod of 230 pilot whales washed up onto the shores of Ocean Beach in Tasmania, Australia. Only half of those stranded were still alive when the response team arrived on the scene, and only 32 whales made it back into the water safely. The grim[Read More…]
Tag: classes
Connecting on CourseLnk
Staff producer Noah Vaton speaks with Seb Danson, a second year computer science major who partnered with his friends to develop CourseLnk, an app designed to help students connect with their classmates.
What we’re learning about remote learning
In case you have not gotten the memo, McGill classes are all now held virtually. Gone are the days of running to your 8 a.m. classes, commuting to school, and pretending to stay awake during lectures. Yet, this comes at the cost of the regular start-of-the-year events, and a regular[Read More…]
Collaborative work develops valuable skills
For most students, working solo from the comfort of their bed is infinitely more appealing than trudging to a Cybertech pod on Sunday morning to meet their peers for a group project. However, despite the added challenges, collaborative projects can be some of the most rewarding assignments both in terms[Read More…]
MyCourses revamped: Five new things you can do
Come the start of each school year, many McGill students feel their blood pressure rise as they open MyCourses for the first time, exchanging their summer freedom for new academic goals and bucket lists.
Defending the 8:35: Why early mornings at McGill aren’t going away
There is a certain meme circulating the depths of the Internet with which, by now, many McGillians should be quite familiar. It depicts a triangular model whose vertices point to certain generalizations about college life. “Good grades. Social life. Enough sleep. Pick two!” Though some may not find that their[Read More…]