Tag: classics

McGill Classics Department wields love to explore Medea’s story in ‘The Argonautica’

The ancient Greek figure of Medea likely makes your skin crawl with discomfort—or maybe causes you to shiver with morbid curiosity. For how could a woman, scorned nevertheless, be pushed to the extreme of killing her own children?  Euripides’ play, Medea, features such a story, where the titular character’s heartbreak[Read More…]

On justice and mathematics

There is a passage in Plato’s //Meno// that goes something like this: The well-born Meno asks for proof of Socrates’ claim that no one is ever taught anything, and instead they recollect things they already know. Socrates calls over one of Meno’s enslaved attendants and asks the boy, who has[Read More…]

From socialism’s romantic influences to skeletal bromances, multifaceted love through time and space

Ahead of Valentine’s Day, the History Students’ Association (HSA) and the Classic Students’ Association (CSA) hosted their annual  “Love In The Time Of” panel on Feb. 10. The event featured four researchers and faculty members from the department of history and classical studies who delivered lectures on diverse instances of[Read More…]

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