Tag: comedy

What we liked this summer

While the start of the fall semester typically means replacing movie nights with late-night study sessions at Redpath, the Arts & Entertainment team isn’t ready to forget their summer favourites just yet. Here are the best tunes and flicks to check out from the all-too-short summer break. Marcel the Shell[Read More…]

Please Laugh.

Staff Producer Tony Wang decides to take on a new challenge: stand up comedy! Tony explores the world of comedy at McGill, and takes the kind of risk that we too often avoid and should more often embrace!

Schulogy for the library

This month, the McGill community suffered a great loss. We received news of the beloved Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering’s impending closure. Home to mostly stressed students and a couple of bookshelves, this 24-hour study spot will be missed. Though moving on seems hard, it is[Read More…]

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