This Valentine’s Day, the Centre for Gender Advocacy and The Native Women’’s Shelter of Montreal’’s Iskewu Project co-hosted their annual memorial march and vigil in honour of Montreal’s Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S+). With the Canadian government offering little more than[Read More…]
Tag: Domestic Violence
Redmen football player acquitted of assault charges, returns to team
McGill Redmen football player Luis-Andres Guimont-Mota charged with assault was acquitted last Thursday and has been reinstated in the team. Guimont-Mota, Management student and running back for the Redmen football team was arrested in September 2014 after his then-wife accused him of domestic violence. According to the Global News, Guimont-Mota’s[Read More…]
Commentary: Considering men in the context of feminism
What responsibilities, if any, does the feminist movement have with regards to addressing the rights of men? Several incidents and news stories have brought up this question recently, but none have provided a clear answer.
Off the board: Changing the conversation on athletic hazing
Recent events surrounding the McGill Redmen football team have prompted a renewed conversation about the values, rules, and processes that govern athletics at this school.
Editorial: Latest athletics case draws attention to need for continued reform
Last Wednesday, Luis Guimont-Mota, a player for the Redmen football team, was arrested on charges stemming from an alleged domestic abuse incident involving his wife. Much of the discussion of the case since had revolved around the player, with only the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) statement mentioning the[Read More…]