Tag: Greek

McGill Classics Department wields love to explore Medea’s story in ‘The Argonautica’

The ancient Greek figure of Medea likely makes your skin crawl with discomfort—or maybe causes you to shiver with morbid curiosity. For how could a woman, scorned nevertheless, be pushed to the extreme of killing her own children?  Euripides’ play, Medea, features such a story, where the titular character’s heartbreak[Read More…]

TNC’s ‘Autobiography of Red’ is enchantingly poignant

Adapted by writer/director Phoebe Fregoli (a fourth-year Concordia student studying women’s studies and creative writing) from the Anne Carson novel-in-verse by the same name, Tuesday Night Café Theatre’s production of Autobiography of Red is a Greek myth transposed to mid-20th century rural southern Ontario. According to ancient legend, the play’s protagonist,[Read More…]

Bilinguals get a boost

A recent study conducted at Anglia Ruskin University in the U.K. has once again demonstrated the benefits of bilingualism. Bilingual children of various languages (Polish, Russian, French, and Italian) with English as their primary language, were able to maintain better focus on a task in a noisy environment. When the[Read More…]

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